Pro’sKit MT2007N in Pakistan
Durable reliable vibration-proof and patented protection circuit
Double-side glass epoxy through hole resist finish
Protective function preventing mixed measurement
Resistance, current and low-range voltage
Auto/Manual ranging manual
DC voltage 0.1/0.5/2.5/10/50/250/1000V (20k Ω /V)
AC voltage 10/50/250/1000V (AC 9k Ω /V)
DC current 50µ/2.5/25/250mA/10A
Resistance 1/10 Ω/1/10k Ω
Capacitance C1(Rx1K): 2000 µF, C2: 0.025/025/25µF
Conductivity wire identification yes
Diode, transistor test yes
Overload protection yes
Power source 1.5/9V
Available: Unlimit